Just tee up Google Assistant’s interpreter mode!
Interpreter mode provides real-time translation between 44 different languages.
Say “Hey Google, be my interpreter,” and you can literally have a full conversation with someone in which you are speaking one language and they are speaking another.
It’s extremely cool — and there’s no comparable technology like it out there. (At least that I’ve ever seen!)
Here’s how to get Assistant to start translating…
- Access Assistant by pulling up Assistant on your phone (tap/click here to download the Assistant app to your iPhone) or walking up to your Nest smart speaker or display
- Say “Hey Google, be my Spanish interpreter” (or insert almost any language you can think of)
- Start speaking English, and Assistant will translate what you said into Spanish. Assistant will both speak and show the Spanish translation of what you just said
- Assistant will follow along with the conversation and translate the Spanish speaker’s response into English
- … and then translate your response back into Spanish… and so on!
Pro Tip #1
When you start up interpreter mode, you’ll notice there are 3 modes: “Auto” (the default), “Manual” and “Keyboard.” You want to keep it set on “Auto” in order to have a dynamic conversation with real-time translations.
Pro Tip #2
When using interpreter mode, be sure that Assistant can hear both speakers.
If you don’t already have access to Google Assistant, download the free Assistant app right now! It’ll take you less than 1 minute, and you’ll use it all the time (including when you try our Google Assistant tips!).