But how cold is it really?

Alexa’s default source for weather is great, but many Alexa users swear by the Big Sky weather skill because it provides far more weather detail (such as the “feels like” temperature, which I find very helpful!).
And the great news is that you can now get weather from Big Sky as the default when you say “Alexa, what’s the weather.”
All you have to say is “Alexa, I prefer Big Sky for weather!”
Pro Tip: You can customize Big Sky even further by linking your account. And cooler yet, you can add up to 4 locations, which is great if you want to know what’s up at Mom’s house, at your kids’ college, your rental property—whatever.
- Open the Alexa app and tap More in the bottom > tap Skills & Games > tap the magnifying glass and search for “Big Sky” > tap into it and tap “Launch” > approve permissions including address and location services so it knows where you are
- When prompted tap Link Account. Then enter your full street address, including town and country
- Select whether you’d like basic or a more detailed forecast. You can make wind speed miles per hour (mph), kph, m/s or even knots.
- Label your Location, with whatever fits, such as “Home” or “Pop-pop’s House.” You can add up to 4 separate locations. Then tap Done when you’ve entered them all, and you’re good to go!