You’ll get better recipe recs!

Do you love avocado (I do!) but hate beans?
Are you gluten free or vegetarian (or neither)?
Are you a big fan of Italian, Indian or maybe Mexican food? Is there another cuisine that you really don’t like?
You can easily teach Google Assistant all of these things so that when you ask for recipe and restaurant recs, you’ll get more personalized results based on what you like and dislike!
Here’s how to easily customize your food preferences:
- Open the Assistant app on your phone (tap for iPhone or Android)
- Tap the circle in the upper right corner (the one that contains either your photo or the first letter of your name)
- Scroll down and tap “Food preferences” (you’ll notice all the settings are in alphabetical order)
- Tap “Add preferences”
- Scroll down through the dietary preferences, cuisines and ingredients sections, and tap the thumbs up or thumbs down icon where relevant (you don’t have to tap thumbs up or thumbs down on things where you don’t have a strong view)
- Tap the blue “Done” button at the bottom
Next time you walk up to your Nest speaker or smart display and ask “what should I cook for dinner tonight?” you’ll get a bunch of recommendations for meals made with all your favorite foods! Pretty cool 🙂