You will definitely get a kick out of Alexa’s new Shakespeare skills!

Shakespeare may be 457 years old—but even modern-day you and Alexa can have a little fun with him…
- Brush up on your quotes. Say “Alexa, enable Shakespeare Recital,”and you’ll get a quote from one of his 37 plays or 154 sonnets. Mine this morning was “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none” — as good advice now as it was back in 1623 when it was published in All’s Well That Ends Well.
- Get a highbrow laugh. Say “Alexa, play a Shakespeare joke” and she’ll give you one. We can’t vouch for high humor, but I’ll admit, “Why does Hamlet take so long in the bathroom? He can’t decide to pee or not to pee” gave me a giggle 🙂
- Learn to insult like an Elizabethan. Say “Alexa, tell me a Shakespearean insult.” She may return with, “The Bard says, thou reddish plume-plucked weasel!” or “thou errant gut-scraping mold wart!” Yes, her enunciation leaves a lot to be desired, but you can improve on that when you borrow the insult for your next fractious encounter in daily life.