Let Alexa know what you like (and what you don’t)
Alexa is only as good as you let her be. Take shopping. She can give suggestions based on your personal shopping history, which can be a real plus at Whole Foods. She can do the same for music.
The next time you’re listening to music, on Amazon Music or another linked streaming account, tell her how you feel.
If you’re digging it, say “Alexa, I like this song.”
Not feeling it? Tell her so. “Alexa, I don’t like this song.”
She’ll add it to the algorithm, helping her tailor future recommendations.
Like everyone else, I like the Beatles. But I’m much more partial to their earlier days than the Sgt. Pepper era. Now, when I say, “Alexa, play the Beatles,” I get a ticket to ride instead of a long, winding road to changing the channel.
Pro Tip: The feature works with Amazon Music, but it also works with linked streaming accounts such as Spotify or Pandora.