If Alexa’s stopped working, try this!

One thing I can say for sure about my Echo Show: As much as I use (I mean, a lot!), it rarely has any issues. But every now and then, anything can go on the fritz.
Before you rush out to buy a new device, try these three fixes to get her up and running again.
- Unplug, wait 30 seconds, then replug. Yes, this hack by every computer tech ever works for computers, TVs, routers, and it is often just what Alexa needs too. Don’t ask me why, just always make it for your first go.
- Check your Internet connection. If you have an Echo Show, you’ll get a notification in the upper right of the screen when it’s not connected to wifi; it will be a little wifi symbol with a line crossed through it. Or you can check it va the app. Tap Devices on the bottom, then tap Echo & Alexa, and tap the device and look at the Status box to see if it’s offline. If it is, tap into the Device, and next to WiFi Network, tap Change and log in again.
- Do a factory reset. This is a last resort—it will wipe out everything you have saved, such as Routines, Skills and preferences. To do it:
- Tap Devices, then Echo & Alexa, and select the device
- Then tap the Status box, and scroll down to Factory Reset
- It will give you a chance to hit Reset or Cancel. Approve the action and your machine will be wiped clean and deregistered from your account, just like it was when you first took it out of the box.
- To bring it back, go to the app, and tap Devices, then tap the + sign in the upper right to re-add it as a new device, and follow the prompts from there.
Pro Tip: Always do a Factory Reset before selling or donating your Echo device, to delete your personal info.