There are some cool ways to repurpose them

If you’re like me, you probably have a drawer somewhere that has your older Alexa devices.
But here’s a thought: instead of storing them, why not use them? Plug them in overlooked places in your home, like the half-bathroom or garage (both great spots to listen to music or even news!), and you’ll find new benefits.
- Full-house audio: No more staying in one room to hear the end of a song, or moving and missing a line of a podcast. Alexa makes it easy to play your music across all your speakers — so you can roam from room to room without missing anything.
- Announcements: When you say, “Alexa, announce dinner is ready” there are no more excuses that they didn’t hear the dinner bell!
- Drop in: You can select a device for a specific room. Say, “Alexa, drop in to the garage” and you can check out what’s happening without walking out there.
Pro Tip: If you want to use some speakers just for playing music across your home, not for listening for commands, change the wake word to something else, like Echo or Computer. Just say “Alexa, change the wake word” and follow the prompts.