What is Alexa thinking?
Have you ever wanted to know more about why Alexa does what she does? Just ask her!
Say, “Alexa, why did you do that?” and she’ll tell you why she said something, or why she made a certain suggestion.
Her answer may be, “I thought I heard a request for weather.” Or she may have chosen a recipe based on what is popular with other users, or based on the holiday.
Sometimes she’ll even admit she doesn’t know why she recommended something. (That said, the Flatlander chili recipe was delicious!)
You can also ask, “Alexa, what did you hear” and she’ll tell you what she heard in the last minute, or how to find out more in the app.
To me, this is most useful when she suddenly speaks up out of the blue, or when she misunderstands a request I’ve made. Because good communication works both ways, from speaker and listener.