Alexa will keep you on track

It’s hard enough to keep my own health routine intact, let alone helping those I love to keep up. So I use Alexa reminders to stay on top of it.
The best part: You can set up reminders for yourself, like taking certain pills twice a day, and for a loved one such as giving your pet his monthly flea medicine.
If you want to set a simple daily reminder, just say “Alexa, set reminder for (insert yours here!) for every day at 5pm” (or whatever time you need).
If you want to set a reminder with a more custom repeat, I recommend doing it in the Alexa app just to be sure you get it right:
1. In the Alexa app, tap “More” on the bottom right
2. Tap “Reminder,” and then on the next screen tap the blue + sign to create a new reminder
3. In the gray box, type the wording you want, such as “Give Spot his flea pill”. The date will automatically populate with today’s date, or you can tap on the date to scroll to another date.
4. The repeat defaults to “Does not repeat,” but you can tap those words to change it to Daily, Multiple times a day, Monthly, etc.
5. You can also create a custom repeat, like every third Thursday
6. Set the time and hit “Save” in the top right