Here’s a list of our favorite Alexa Pranks for April Fools’ Day to joke with family and friends on the first day of the month.
Alexa Pranks for Family and Friends
It’s that time of the year. The days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer. As March fades into recent memory, we say hello to a month defined by rain showers and rabbits.
Before we think about Easter, however, it’s important to remember one other essential holiday that takes place soon: April Fools’ Day.
That’s right! If you’re like us, then you love having a bit of playful fun with family and friends. This year we’re going to teach you how to prank your loved ones with a little help from Alexa. Here are the top 3 Alexa April Fools’ pranks:
1) Set a Death Metal Alarm
Okay, admittedly this one isn’t super-creative, but it’ll still be a fun way to start the day nonetheless. Before your significant other gets ready for bed, ask Alexa to set an alarm in the morning using music from a band like Morbid Angel. This song, “God of Emptiness” should do the trick. This might not be the start to April that your partner was looking for, but we promise you’ll have a good laugh when you see their reaction to this type of music before the sun rises.
If you’re looking for something a little more mainstream, Guns N’ Roses’ ultimate hit “Sweet Child O’ Mine” is also another option. The opening guitar will be a great way to help your family wake up and smell the roses.
2) Make Alexa Talk Slower or Faster
We wrote about this a while ago, but in case you forgot, you can customize Alexa’s speaking speed. There are four faster speaking rates and two slower speaking rates. Just say “Alexa, speak faster” or “Alexa, speak slower.”
If you can whisper this to your Echo device before anyone in your family can hear you, this will be a nice surprise when they go to use Alexa in the morning.
If you want to go back to “normal” speaking speed, all you have to do is say “Alexa, speak at your default rate.”
3) Play “Simon Says” With Alexa
Okay, this one is by far our favorite, mainly because of this video we found on YouTube, which is absolutely hysterical.
Essentially, Amazon added an amazing feature to Echo devices that allows you to make Alexa repeat anything you say. If you have the official Echo Voice Remote, this is ideal because it will allow you to control what Alexa says from another room.
In the video below, one YouTuber pranks his dad with the “Simon Says” function, and his reaction is priceless.
There You Have it, Our Favorite Alexa Pranks
So, there you have it. Our top three favorite ways to prank your loved ones on April Fools’. If you use any of these pranks let us know how they worked out. Bonus points if you can film reactions!