Learn how to delete your Alexa history of voice interactions
When you say, “Alexa, what’s the weather?” or “Alexa, order more walnuts,” Amazon adds those recordings to your voice history.
Amazon also makes it easy to delete recordings of your Alexa voice commands.
In 30 seconds or less, you can permanently delete your Alexa history of voice recordings in its entirety — or just a few specific ones.
Follow these easy steps:
- Open the Alexa app
- Tap the hamburger icon in upper left corner
- Tap Settings
- Tap Alexa Account
- Tap Alexa Privacy
- Tap Review Voice History
- Select date range from drop-down menu (can be today, all history or any range in between)
- You can tap Delete All Recordings for [Your Selected Date Range] or check off specific recordings and tap Delete Selected Recordings
Pro Tips
Pro Tip #1
Alexa also receives information about how you use third party smart home devices — like when you turn your lights on and what temperature you set your thermostat to.
Amazon makes it easy to delete this information too in Alexa privacy settings.
Pro Tip #2
When you use certain skills, you may give them information about where you live or your cell phone number. While you might want the Big Sky and Uber skills to know your address, you may have given access to another skill that you don’t use anymore.
Amazon has a user-friendly portal where you can easily access your Alexa privacy settings to see and change what Alexa skills have access to what information about you.
Pro Tip #3
By default, Amazon will use your voice recordings to help develop new features and improve transcription accuracy. You can easily opt out in your Alexa privacy settings (although, according to Amazon, new features may not work as well for you).
See Also
The 5 Alexa privacy Tips You Need To Know
8 Alexa Settings That Will Seriously Upgrade Your Alexa Experience
VoiceBrew 22: The 22 Best Things To Do with Alexa Today
VoiceBrew: Get more out of Alexa with a daily Alexa tip delivered to your inbox
I created VoiceBrew to help people get more out of the Amazon Alexa voice assistant. Whether you’re just setting up your first Alexa speaker or smart display or you’re a seasoned pro looking for advanced tips, VoiceBrew can help.
There are so many life-changing ways to use Alexa, but most people aren’t familiar with all of the things Alexa can do. By signing up for VoiceBrew, you’ll receive a free daily email with one actually awesome thing to try with Alexa. VoiceBrew also publishes comprehensive how-to guides on all the best features and important topics like privacy.
Wondering about the best Alexa speakers and smart displays for your needs? Or how to get started with an Alexa smart home? VoiceBrew covers that, too!