Alexa Shopping List Savings allows users to earn money back simply by shopping at their everyday grocery store.
Many of us probably do a decent amount of shopping on Amazon. But how much of that shopping is for food and groceries?
We’ve tried Amazon Fresh and quite frankly it was pretty awesome. It didn’t feel extremely overpriced and the food can be scheduled to show up anytime you want.
You can also leverage Amazon to shop via Whole Foods, which is a great option. However, sometimes it’s a bit more expensive.
Now, thanks to a third option, you can get paid to shop for specific items at any grocery thanks to Alexa Shopping List Savings. This new feature allows Alexa users to use the digital assistant to find and clip coupons directly in the Alexa app. Later on, you can add up the savings and then get cash back on your Amazon gift card.
Here’s How Alexa Shopping List Savings Works
Open the Alexa app and navigate to “Lists & Notes” within the “More” navigation tab. Click “shopping” and then hit “savings”. From there you’ll be able to add offers to your shopping list.
For example, let’s say you need some toothpaste. Under household goods, select the option for Colgate where you’ll save $1 on the purchase. You can save $3 on Neutrogena Make-Up Remover, $4 on Schick Hydro Razors, and $10 on Zyrtec Allergy medicine.
Next, head to your go-to grocery store and grab those items. After you pay, scan your receipt and product barcodes to redeem the offers.
You’ll earn money back in just a few days and get paid via an Amazon gift card.
Why It Matters
Are these savings massive alone? Not really. But if you look at the list above, this feature just saved you close to $20. You can get flights from Miami to Philadelphia for $74 right now, so $20 might not seem like a crazy amount of dough, but it’s almost one-third of a round trip airline ticket.
On Amazon alone, they have an entire section dedicated to deals under $10. So with that $20 you saved above you can get items like bandaids, toothbrushes, and even sweatpants for free.
At the end of the day, our goal is to teach you how to use Alexa to make your life better. Prices for everything are going up right now. It’s not the worst idea in the world to start hacking the system to save yourself a few bucks. Use Alexa to help you do it.