Ask Alexa to order household items and non-perishables
Fewer items on your shopping list means less time spent going aisle to aisle checking things off. And asking Alexa is the fastest way to go from “shoot, we’re almost out of peanut butter!” to a fully restocked kitchen cabinet.
Alexa is especially good for re-ordering. Say you’re almost out of oatmeal (I eat oatmeal every morning, so I’m always almost out of oatmeal!). When you say “Alexa, reorder oatmeal,” she’ll ask if you want to buy the same type you previously ordered (remember, Alexa knows your Amazon order history). Say “Yes,” and your oatmeal will be on its way!
What things should I ask Alexa to reorder? Here are 3 ideas to get you started:
- Household staples like trash bags, baggies, windex and light bulbs
- Non-perishable food such as coffee, coconut water, peanut butter, canned goods, oatmeal, and even your vitamins
- Kid supplies from diapers to sunscreen
Do This Now: Think of something you need to reorder on Amazon. Then say “Alexa, reorder (insert that thing)” — it’ll be on its way!
Personal Note: I think voice shopping with Alexa might be the most underutilized great Alexa feature. I highly recommend trying it today. Alexa does come from Amazon after all 🙂